Recent tests from the MS State Department of Health have shown that the chlorine used to reduce the natural mineral color of our well water is leaving a higher than desired residual of byproducts produced by chlorine. In order to reduce this byproduct residual, we must reduce the amount of chlorine being used to treat our water. This will cause the natural mineral color of the water to be visible. The City of Florence is in the process of researching filtering methods to reduce this natural color however, this process will take some time.
The water is completely safe to drink, this discoloration is due to the natural minerals occurring in the aquifers. The MS State Department of Health is working with the City of Florence to ensure safe drinking water is continued to be provided to our customers.
Thank you for your understanding. Posted 1/29/24
To sign up for text alerts from the City of Florence, including water outages and boil water notices, text the word Florence to 844-621-4545
We are pleased to be able to offer bank draft as a way to pay your water bill. Call our water office at 601-845-3542 or 601-845-5638 for more information.