The water department office is located at Florence City Hall, 203 College Street. For your convenience there is a drive through window for water payments during business hours, a secure overnight drop box beside the drive through window, we also offer the option of signing up for automatic bank draft and online payments can be made by clicking the box below. Please note that we can only take payments for City of Florence Water, and that there is a processing fee for credit/debit card payments, whether they are made online or in person at our office.
Mail water payments/correspondence to:
City of Florence Public Works
PO Box 187
Florence, MS 39073
Phone: (601)845-3542 or (601)845-5638
City of Florence garbage pickup is contracted through Rankin County and picked up by Waste Management.
Household waste guidelines: Customers are asked to have all household waste placed in containers or bags no greater than 35 gallons in capacity. Containers or bags should not weigh more than 50 lbs. All waste must be out by 7 am and placed within 5 feet of the curb in front of the residential unit being serviced. Containers larger than 35 gallons in capacity may be used if waste is placed in bags and tied.
Yard waste guidelines: Yard waste will also be collected by Waste Management and should be in bags, containers or bundled and placed at the curb on the 2nd service day. Tree trimmings and branches must be cut to lengths of no longer than five (5) feet and be no greater than eight (8) inches in diameter and not weighing more than sixty (60) pounds. Yard waste and tree trimmings must be placed directly on the curb in the same location as your household garbage. Grass clippings, leaves and pine straw must be bagged or containerized. Limbs cut by a tree service contractor will not be collected, the contractor is responsible for removal.
The fees will be $25.00 per household or $20.00 if the account holder is 65 years of age and over or is 100% Disabled. An application is available at City of Florence Public Works office if you quality for the rate reduction. A copy of the letter from Social Security stating 100 % disability or a copy of driver’s license will be required for the application.
The City of Florence, working with Rankin County, is happy to be able to provide the two day collection service that has been requested for many years from a majority of the citizens of Florence.
If you have any questions, please contact City of Florence Public Works at 601-845-3542.