Our Municipal Complex, located at 203 College Street in Florence, houses the Water Department, Planning and Zoning, and the Parks and Recreation Department. The Police Department side of the complex includes Court Services and the Boardroom which is used for municipal Court and for meetings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen meet twice each month on the first and third Tuesday. Meetings are open to the public. If you would like to address the Board for any purpose or request, please contact City Clerk Linda Wigley at 601-845-8856 to be put on the agenda. The deadline for each agenda is noon on the Friday before the scheduled meeting.
Mayor and Board, pictured from left to right:
Alderman John Banks
Alderman Brian Grantham
Alderman Todd "Sarge" Norris
Mayor Robert "Billy Bob" Morris
Alderman Trey Gunn
Alderman/Mayor Pro Tem John Helms