Thank you for expressing an interest in the City of Florence, Mississippi. We welcome all high-quality developers and builders to Florence. It is our desire and purpose to achieve quality growth in the City, thereby requiring that such growth take place in an orderly and controlled environment. This protects the property values of our citizens and also your investment. Therefore, all development and building is subject to our Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Ordinances, and all other municipal regulations.
1) Site Plan Ordinance
2) Subdivision Ordinance
3) Stormwater and Rainwater Ordinance 4) Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Ordinance
5) Commercial Landscape Ordinance
6) Commercial Architectural Controls Ordinance
7) Exterior Sign Ordinance
8) Construction Work Sites – Portable Toilets Ordinance
9) E-911 House Numbering and Street Address Ordinance
10) Regulating Hours of Construction Ordinance
If your development or building is in a flood plain, floodway fringe, and/or floodway, you will need to refer to the Construction within A Flood Plain, Floodway Fringe, and Floodway Ordinance and the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Please understand that those Ordinances are not an all-inclusive list of Ordinances with which you must comply. For instance, if you are developing or building within a certain Zoning District, you will have to secure a copy of those specific regulations for that zoning district. The City does require a Building Permit for every building constructed in the City, along with periodic inspection as the building progresses. The 2012 IBC Building Codes, with amendments, have been adopted by the City of Florence as its standard.
Building Design Regulations and Procedures
Building Codes have been adopted by the City of Florence as its standard:
Inspection Process:
There are eight steps to an Inspection process before a Certificate of Occupancy/Completion can be issued:
NOTE: Silt fences must be installed and maintained to prevent silt from washing into the storm drains. Mud must not be transferred from construction site onto the streets.
Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria:
Contractor Registration Required: To ensure the public health, safety and welfare of citizens, the City requires all commercial and residential construction general contractors, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing subcontractors doing business within the city to register with the city. In order to register, all residential and commercial construction contractors shall:
Site Plan Review Site Plan Review as required by the Commercial Architectural Controls Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance is reviewed by the City Department Heads and the City Engineer. All Site Plan Reviews must be approved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
Building Department
The mission of the building department is to assist the public with building permits and inspections to insure compliance with City Codes and Ordinances. Contact the Building Department prior to constructing any accessory building or structure and prior to any remodel, change of use, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, demolishing any existing building or structure to determine permit requirements.
You may direct any inquiries to the City Building Official:
Joel Sims
601-845-5638 (office)
601-383-3376 (cell)
It is our desire to assist you in any way that we can. Thank you for your interest in the City of Florence, Mississippi.
Zoning and Property Use Districts:
Florence has adopted zoning districts to ensure a healthy growth pattern in the city.
The mission of code enforcement is to ensure public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City. Issues regarding city ordinance and property maintenance may be reported to the zoning administrator. Individual property owners and Homeowners Association are responsible for enforcement of subdivision restrictive covenants. A letter from code enforcement indicates violations of City ordinances have been observed on property you own or is under your control. While many citizens properly maintain their property, sometimes a letter for code enforcement is needed as a reminder of their responsibilities.
If you should receive a letter from code enforcement,